CHINA SYMPOSIUM SPEECH ------Building a Future Rootrd in the Past

It is my distinct pleasure to be in the city where Pearl S. Buck’s young life took shape and career was born and to congratulate and thank everyone on behalf of Pearl S. Buck International tor your participation in this symposiun and celebration of Pearl S. Buck’s 110 th birth year. Honorary President Zhang Weiguo. Chairwoman Xu Xiaoxia, President Wu Shunan, and Vice Mayor Xie Xinpeng ------your leadership and commitment to organizing this celebration is to be applauded, and your presence signifies the importance of our gathering ando demnstrates that,while Pearl S. Buck died almost thirty years ago,her legacy continues to build bridges between East and West.

I am here today as President & CEO,representing a vitally important part of the legacy------the organization Ms. Buck founded over half a century ago to promote cultural understanding and eliminate injustice and prejudice suffered by mixed—race children—Pearl S. Buck International.

Ms. Buck was the adoptive parent of seven children, some of whom were of mixed—race,and a foster parent to many other children. Her connection to the adoption community, compassion for mixed—race children, and unique understanding of what it was like to live as minority in China, inspired her to found Welcome House in 1949. Welcome House,originally established to facilitate adoptions for mixed—race children in the United States, expanded its scope of servce to mixed race children being born throughout Asia as a result of wars and unions between American serviceman and Asian woman. Before long, Welcome House was finding permanent loving families for orphaned children from over twenty—five countries worldwide.

In 1964, Ms. Buck established The Pearl S.Buck Foundation with the main purpose of raising awareness and founding to address health,education and welfare needs of children born in Asia of American fathers and Aisian mother who remained in the lands of their birth. At that time, it was the only agency in the world with the sole concern being the welfare and education of mixed—race children.

On her 75 th Birthday, in 1967, Ms. Buck deeded her Pennsylvania stone farm house and 60—Plus acres to the Foundation. Upon her death in 1973,the property was turned over to the Foundation, and it was designated a National Historic Site one year later and became a National Historic Landmark in 1983. There are approximately 3,000 National Historic Landmarks in the United States, less than 100 of these tell the story of a woman and of these 100, less than 10 remain intact with original collections. The Pearl S.Buck House is one of them.

Today Welcome House, the Foundation, now known as International Programs, and the Historic House operate under the umbrella of Pearl S.Buck International. Welcome House continues the legacy of Ms.Buck by finding loving families in America for orphans and those who need a new family, specializing in the unique needs of multi—cultural families. International Programs continues the legacy by reaching out to help Asia’s most disadvantaged children. These are the precious souls who do not have the same opportunities as other children in their country, simply because they are orphaned, handicapped, stateless, or minority by race, ethnicity, religion or gender. With offices in Kores, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam to serve the children, our work in the United States focuses on raising awareness and money that can empower local commumity groups to solve the challenges facing the needy children in their countries.

The Pearl S.Buck Historic Site serves as headquarters to Pearl S. Buck International. The old stone house, in which Miss Buck lived for most of her American years, stands in the middle of rolling lawns and fields and is maintained as a museum and premier tourist destination in Buck County, Pennsylvania. The house is extraordinary because its collection includes a combination of East and West artifacts,and it is interpreted to promote an appreciation of different cultures which remain relevant to global understanding in today’ s modern world,and the context and content of the lives of children we work to enhance. More than ten thousand people visit each year, guided by wellinformed volunteers, to understand how the legacy of this wellknown and accomplished woman continues.

Ms. Buck challenged us to look beyond physical and cultural differences, not to discount them, but to accept that every person’ s culture is a rich combination from which we can all learn. When we use the traditions and strengths of other cultures as resources, we enrich our own cultures and lives. With this in mind, it is so very appropriate that we celebrate Pearl S.Buck’ s 110th birth year in Znenjiang, a historically and culturally famous city with its domain of International partnerships rapidly expanding, because Zhenjiang represents an opportunity for Pearl S.Buck International to expand cultural boundaries, understanding, and the living legacy of Ms. Buck.

It is our hope that our headquarters in the United States will grow as an all—purpose portal for scholars and the general public to gain greater underatanding of Ms. Buck’ s life, her ideals, and the ongoing need for humanitarianism throughout the world. The work in Zhenjiang and Nanjing is equally important. Pearl S.Buck’ s life should not be permitted to fade in the land where she conceived the thoughts and beliefs that shaped her writing and philanthropy. Just as Ms. Buck’s literary corpus and the organizations she founded have helped preserve her legacy for three decades, we believe museums, education, and research centers, like yours in Zhenjiang, will keep her dreams alive for generations to come.

Our organiztions were founded on the basis of one woman’s dedication to intercultural understanging and cooperation. Just as Pearl S.Buck drew strength and courage from appreciating and accepting other cultures, I believe we can strengthen and bring these values to everyday life and people in our respective countries through our museums and learning centers. Through a partnership that includes celebrations, cultural exchanges, education programs,and future symposiums,we can traevl new roads together and grow stronger and more secure than we can alone.

I look forward to a stronger relationship with our sister organization, Zhenjiang Pearl S.Buck Research Center, and believe we can build a new bridge between the East and the West┄and make the world a smaller place. I envision a future that extends beyond our organization and continues to draw strength from the legacy of Ms. Buck.

The achievements of Pearl S. Buck are uniquely her own, but the past, present and future is shared by all of us. Our being here today is shining example of the legacy of Pearl S.Buck. And I believe that together we can build a new world of possibilities.

Writer       :Janet L. Mintzer


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    CHINA SYMPOSIUM SPEECH ------Building a Future Rootrd in the Past
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