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镇江市赛珍珠研究会 >>赛珍珠研究会 >> 最新动态 >> 欢迎赛珍珠国际教育使者暨中美交流活动

Hello everyone,on behalf of all of the teacher ambassadors from the United States------Jaleh,John,Matt,Gabe,and myself,I would like to say that we are very excited and pleased to be here in Zhenjiang.For the past several months we have been watching in anticipation for this day.By coming here we are realizing our goals of cultural exchange and learning.We are also here on behalf of Pearl S.Buck,to continue her legacy of building a bridge between the East and the West.
We believe that learning about our world and the people in it is very important.
As you bring us here to teach the English language and American culture,we also want to learn the Chinese language and culture.As teacher ambassdors we consider this a great learning opportunity.We are honored to have this opportunity and we thank for giving it to us. We look forward to a long-lasting friendship.
We gladly share with you our true skills and knowledge, and from you we will receive friendship,experience,and the knowledge that you have to give to us.
We will work to the best of our abilities to accomplish the goals that we share. At the end of our journey,we will have something invaluable that will be with us for rest of our lives,we will have make a new bridge between east and west.
Once again,we thank for this opportunity and we look forward to the coming yaer.

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